On 08.07.2004 the A-Litter was born.
There are 3 males and 1 female.
PHPT negativ by parents from Dr. Goldstein, Cornell Institut USA. Auslesezucht
Father: Ch. Suitkees Bijzonder (Macho), Mother: Ch. Inay vom Alten Nierstal,
born 04/10/2002 (HD-A1) PHPT negativ born 02/02/1999 ( HD-B2 ) PHPT negativ
DNA testet DNA testet
Owner: Marga Willemstein,
Wolfsspitzzwinger "von Aviflorahof", Niederlande
Name Hip-X-ray PHPT weight after born Comment Ayko Blue negativ 290 g died in April
2012 lung cancer
Androsch Green
290 g
for breed, castratet, died 04.May 2018 Heatcancer,
Arthus Red
320 g
castratet, died 23.October 2015 lumph glands cancer
Amina Pink
PL 0/0
270 g
for breed, died 12.February 2016 apoplex
The ultrasound from 07.08.2004, you can see 2 puppy`s.
The birthday, 08.07.2004
Now we're one week old!
With 14 days now we can see.
Now we're 3 weeks and have moved
Now we're 4 weeks old we love our toy-pets
While we're 5 weeks old our names are: Arthus, Ayko, Androsch and Amina
With 6 weeks now, playin' with " aunt Wally" is fun
Now we're 7 weeks old an that garden is very big!
The first 8 weeks are over so we'll join our new familie`s soon.
Form very sad couse Amina lost her home in the Netherland, in January 2009. She lives by Family Schneider near at me and she loves her new family very well. I`m the co-owner and I see her regularly.
At March 2009 Amina make her first holiday with her family in Austria. It was her first time to see so many snow.
Amina in July 2009 at the Wolfsstone ( Keeshondstone ) in Bad Marienberg.
Amina`s birthday gifts at her 5 te birthday ( 08.07.2009 )
At the 10.20.2009 Amina visit us with her family. Ayani found at very great to play with her " sister in
law ".
Amina breed in Germany and the new Keehond-Kennel is " vom Br�chl " (FCI/VDH) from Stefanie Schneider .
Amina (the snow Spitz) in December 2010, the pictures came with the Christmas post. It is more like her mother Inay.
Androsch at 7 years old. 08.07.2011
At the 08.14.2011 the group Cologne have a meeting. Amina give als dogs a cake. She was 7 years old.
Ayko died at 04.14.2012
Today we hear, that Ayko goes over the rainbowbridge. We cry and thoughts with the owners.
Ayko after he was born, with 5 weeks and in December 2005 with mother Inay.
The last photo`s from Ayko
Androsch ( behind ) and Fayana ( in front ) in February 2013
Androsch with 9 years.
Amina at the carneval ( 03.01.2014 ). She play grandmother from the little red riding hood.
Video: At the Show in Ludwigshafen 2015 Amina has her " nephew " Fidou nicked the bone
Arthus +23.October 2015
Today we hear, that Ayko goes over the rainbowbridge. We cry and thoughts with the owners.
Arthus after the born and with 7 weeks
Arthus at the puppy meeting 08.12.2012 and with his sister Amina ( right ).
The last photo from Arthus and his resting place
Androsch with 11 1/2 years
Amina + 12.February 2016
On February 12th 2016 our Amina was dragged out of our lives. She died of a stroke and was sleeping peacefully at her veterinarian a. The sadness that we we can not describe feeling.
Amina was born and with 8 weeks
and with 9 months and 11 years
Androsch im December 2017 with 13 years.
At the 04.May.2018 we hear that Androsch goes over the Rainbowbrigth. It was the 10 birthday from his B-Litter von Haus Rubens. It was a very hard day for us.
Androsch with 5 weeks, 9 months and 12 years.
The following collages were produced by Clarissa Starrenburg (Keeshond-Kennel Suitkess, Australia). She is breeder of Suitkees Bijzonder (Macho).
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The first feeding of the A-Litter ar Haus Rubens. |
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puppy`s and their names. On this picture, the puppies are 5 and a half week old. |
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With 8 weeks old, the
puppy`s go for their new homes. |
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Amina von Haus Rubens with her australischen friend Suitkees Parel in Zilver (Maut, born 08-13-2004 ) in November 2004, at her owner Marga Willemstein in the
Netherlands. |
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That`s how Ayko looks with 4 to 6 Months |
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Arthus with 11 month |
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Puppies reunion at Haus Rubens. The A-Litter is one year old now. Father SuitkeesBjizonder (Macho) came along with his daughter from the Netherlands. |
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From left to right: Father Macho, Daughter Amina, Mother Inay ans the sons Androsch and Arthus |