Androsch are: VDH-Youth-Champion, Luxemburgischer-Youth-Champion, Club-Youth-Champion, Luxemburgischer-Champion, VDH-Champion, German-Club-Champion, Internationaler-Champion, Crufts-Qualification.
Amina are: Luxemburgischer-Youth-Champion, Best Show-Female 2006 ( Netherland )Luxemburgischer-Veteranen-Champion, Crufts-Qualification, Rheinland-Pfalz-Veteranensieger 2013, VDH-Veteranen-Chmapion, Veteranen-Champion-Club, Veteranen-Winner-Amsterdam 2013, Veteranen-Winner-Amsterdam 2015, Netherland-Veteranen-Champion, Res.-Best-Veteran der Show ( Holland Cup 2015 ),
Androsch: 19th place on the Top-List 2005, of 184 Keeshonds in show
Androsch: 24th place of 75 Dogs at "Superhund 2006" (alle races)
Androsch: 19th place on the Top-List 2006, of 175 Keeshonds in show
Androsch: 25th place on the Top-List 2007 of 170 Keeshonds in show
Androsch: 57th place on the Top-List 2008 of 200 Keeshond in show
Androsch: 55th place on the Top-Spitz-List 2009 of 169 Keeshond in show
Androsch: 58th place on theTop-List 2010 of 167 Keeshond in show
Androsch: 103th place Top-List 2011 of 191 Keeshond in show
Androsch: 54th place on the Top-List 2016, of 165 Keeshonds in show
Amina: 148th place on the Top-List 2005, of 184 Keeshonds in show
Amina: 120th place on the Top-Spitz-List 2009 of 169 Keeshond in show
Amina: 58th place on theTop-List 2010 of 167 Keeshond in show
Amina: 99th place Top-List 2011 of 191 Keeshond in show
Amina: 48th place on the Top-List 2012 of 173 Keeshond in show
Amina: 21th place Top-Veteranen-List 2012 47 Veteranen ( all Breeds )
Amina: 10th place Top-List 2013 from 183 Keeshond in show
Amina: 2th place Top-List-Veteran 2013 from 53 Veteranen ( all Breeds )
Amina: 32th place Top-List 2014 from165 Keeshond in show
Amina: 8th place Top-Veteranen-List 2014 from 40 Veteranen ( all Breeds )
Amina: 55th place Top-List 2015 from159 Keeshond in show
Amina: 20th place Top-Veteranen-List 2015 from 44 Veteranen ( all Breeds )
At CACIB in Oldenburg, on June, 18th 2005, Androsch (10 1/2 month) won Exellent 1, Jgd-CAC, Jgd-CAC-VDH, BOB and Best Spitz from the day. He startet in the Youthclass, and was in Group 5 under first 8 of 18 dogs.
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Here is a collage of Androschs Show in Oldenburg. |
Amina in the Puppyclass :very promising 1st place, Best youngest-Keeshond and Best female Keeshond in show, Jonghonde- Senioren- und Veteranendag in Holland
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Androsch in the Puppyclass:
Very Promising 1st
place, Jonghonde- Senioren- und Veteranendag in Holland |
Amina, Inay and Androsch on April 18th 2005, Jonghonde- Senioren- und Veteranendag in Holland
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Androsch's first show in march 2005. With his 7 month,
he got an Very Promising in the puppy
class. |
On September 3rd 2005, Androsch and Amina became
Luxemburgisch Youth-Champions.
Androsch was in the Ring of Honour of 45 young male dogs (Groups
2,5,8,9) as one of the first six. Amina went with 54 young female dogs
of these groups.
Androsch also has his Auslesegruppe
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Androsch got a Exellent 1 on
11/05/2005 at CACIB-Hannover and both Jgd-CAC`S. |
Androsch, in Show on 12/11/2005 in Kassel, became Club-Champion of the youth and VDH-Youth-Champion. Additionally he became Best young dog of Group 5.
Amina at CACIB in Zuidlaren ( NL ), became Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best female Keeshond
Androsch: Champion of Luxemburg on 09/02/2006 at CACIB in Luxemburg, in Coupleclass together with Dungens Baby Love Fayana they achieved place 1 from more than 30 different couples.
At the 08.26.2006 Androsch make his Obedience certification.
At the World Dog Show in Pozan (Poland) on 11/9/2006 Androsch got an Excellent . He was the 5 best male dog in the open class.
Amina, at CACIB in Kortrijk (Belgium) on 11/18/2006, got Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB and went to the Ring of Honour in Group 5 beyond the Top-Ten dogs.
Since Februar 11th, 2007 Androsch is now VDH-Champion. He was under the 3th place of the most beautifull Keeshonds in show.
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On 25th of march 2006, Androsch on CAC-Show in Krefeld:
Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC,
Amina became Best female dog in Show 2006 in the Keeshonde Club of the Netherlands (NKC). Androsch and Fayana, at CACIB in Oldenburg, on April, 29th 2007, did 2nd place at the couple-class-competition.
Androsch and Dungens Baby Love Fayana, on CAC show in Castrop-Rauxel (01/27/2008) did the 1st place in couple- class.
On the CAC - Show, at the 04.06.2008 Androsch are the Best in Show and he have the German - Club- Champion.
On the CACIB, at the 04.19.2008, Androsch are BOB. After this Show he are Internationer - Champion.
Androsch startet the first time in the honoury class, at the Nationale Show in Rheinberg ( 02.14.2009). He make place 1 and BOB.
On the same Show Androsch startet with his daughter Brilliant Bialy couple class and make place 1.
Androsch goes Honoury-Class at the VDH-Europasieger-Show, in Dortmund at the 05.01.2009. He make place 1 and startet with Ayani to the BOB Qualifikation.
Amina make her first show in Germany. Also the same Show as Androsch and make in the Open-Class Exellent 3. It was the first time, that I can show Amina self, but I`m the Co-Owner.
At the 01.31.2010 we startet at the CAC Castop-Rauxel. Androsch goes Honoryclass with Place 1, Amina startet Openclass and become Exellent 4.
Androsch and Brilliant Bialy goes Coupleclass and make place 2.
At the 02.28.2010 Androsch was at the CAC - Show in Rheinberg. He make in the Honouryclass Place 1, BOB and Best Spitz from the Show. With his daughter Brilliant Bialy he become the Place 1 in the Coupleclass.
Amina was also at this show and she make in the Openclass Very Good 3.
At the 03.14.2010 we go to the Vereinssiegerschau ( Clubmatch ) in Hövelhof. Amina startet Openclass and become Exellent 1, VDH-CAC. So Amina has the Auslesegruppe.
I was with Amina at the Netherland Clubmatch, at the 05.30.2010. The judge G. Jipping gives her on the Openclass Exellent 3.
Amina startet at the CAC Show in Castrop-Rauxel ( 01.30.2011 ). She become in the Openclass
Very Good 4, from the judge Milivoje Uresevic ( SRB ).
Androsch goes at the CACIB show in Rheinberg ( 02.12.2011 ) Honouryclass. The judge Theo Leenen ( B ) give him Place 1.
Amina was at the CAC-Show from the Group Cologne ( 04.17.2011 ). The judge Corrie Saes ( NL ) gives her in the Openclasss Exellent 2, Res-VDH-CAC.
Amina was at the Clubmatch in the Netherland ( 08.28.2011 ). The judge Ruth Burgess ( UK ) give her in the Breederclass Very Good 3.
Amina ( 7 1/2 years ) go to the CAC Castrop-Rauxel, at the 01.29.2012. The judge Walter Holtorf give her in the Openclass Very Good 3.
Amina startet in the Openclass ( with 4 Females ) at the Europasiegershow ( Dortmund 05.11.2012 ). The judge Guido Sch�fer give her Very Good 3.
Amina was on the CAC Show in at the 06.24.2012. The judge, Joachim Weinberg ( D ) give her in the Openclas Very Good 4 from 5 Females.
Amina startet her first time in the Veteranenklass. At the Bundessieger Show in Dortmund, at the 10.13.2012 ( photo left ) the judge Horst Kliebenstein ( D ) give her Place 2. At the 14.10.2012 ( photo right ) at the Nationale Show in Dortmund the judge Ursula Meyer ( D ) give her also Place 2.
Amina startet at the CAC-Castrop-Rauxel, 01.27.2013. The judge Milivoje Urosevic (SRB ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2.
Amina was at the CACIB Luxembourg ( 03.31.2013 ). The judge Jean Louis Grunheid ( F ) give her in the Veteranenclass Exellent 1, Vet-CACL. So Amina are Luxembourg-Veteranen-Champion and also she become the Crufts Qualification.
Amina was at the CAC Show in Oldenburg, at the 05.04.2013. The judge Ingrid de Lasberg ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2, Res.-Vet-CAC.
Amina startet at the CACIB Show ( 05.10.2013 left photo ) in Dortmund. The judge Gerda Kastl ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2, res.-Vet-VDH-CAC. Also at the Europasieger Show ( Dortmund 05.12.2013 right photo ) the judge Ursula Meyer ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2, Res.-Vet.-VDH-CAC.
Amina was at the CAC Show at the 06.23.2013 in Kerpen. In the Veteranenclass the judge Peter Machetanz give her Place 1, Vet-CAC-VDH, Vet-CAC-Club and Veteranen-BOB.
Amina was at the CACIB Show Ludwigshafen, at the 07.27.2013. The judge Ruddi Hartmann ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass, Place 1, Vet-CAC-VDH, Vet-CAC, Veteranen-BOB and Rheinland-Pfalz-Veteranensieger 2013. Amina are the new Veteranen-Champion-VDH and Veteranen-Champion-Club.
Amina was at the CAC Eitrof ( 08.18.2013 ) and the jugde Henning Schenk ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 1, Vet.-VDH-CAC, Vet-CAC-Club.
Amina was at the Bundessiegershow in Dortmund at the 10.11.2013 ( left ). The judge Gerda Kastl ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2, Vet.-Res.-VDH. Also at the Internationale Show ( right ) at the 10.12.2013 Dortmund she startet in the Veteranenclass and the judge Ursula Meyer ( D ) give her Place 2, Vet.-Res.-VDH.
Amina was at the CACIB Amsterdam ( NL ) at the 12.14.2013. The judge Denis Kuzelj ( BG ) give her in the Veteranenclass Very Good 1.
And also Amina startet Winner Amsterdam ( NL biggest Show ) at the 12.14.2013. The judge Ewa Nielsen (S ) give her in the Veteranenclass Exellent 1, Veteranen-Winner-Amsterdam 2013. On the photo stay Amina in the Mainring with all Veteranen from the day.
Amina was at the CAC Castrop-Rauxel, 02.02.2014. The judge Peter Machetanz ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2, Vet-Res.-VDH.
Amina was at the Internationale Show Dortmund ( 05.11.2014 ) . The judge Josef Pohling give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2, Res.-Vet-VDH-CAC.
Amina was at the CAC in Dorsten at the 06.22.2014. The judge Rudi hartmann ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 1, Vet-VDH-CAC, CAC, Veteranen-BOB.
Video: Amina and Ayani in the BOB Class
Amina was at the 08.23.2014 at the German Winner Show ( left ) in Leipzig. The judge Ursula Meyer ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2, Res.-Vet-VDH, Res.-Vet-CAC. At the 08.24.2014 was the Internationale Show in Leipzig. The judge Walter Holtorf ( D ) give her Place 2, Res.-Vet-VDH, Res.-Vet-CAC.
Amina was at the CAC Show Castrop-Rauxel ( 02.01.2015 ). The judge Joachim Weinberg give her in the Veteranenclass Place 1, Vet-VDH-CAC, Vet-CAC, Veteranen-BOB.
Amina was at the CAC Show in H�velhof at the 03.15.2015. The judge Peter Machetanz ( D ) give her in the Veteranenclass Place 2, Res.-Vet-CAC-VDH.
Amina was at the Holland Cup ( Amsterdam NL ) at the 12.11.2015. The judge Karen Gilliand ( IE ) give her in the Veteranenclass Exellent 1, Veteranen-BOB.
Amina in the Mainring
The judge Marion Ten Cate ( NL ) give her there Res.-Best-Veteran at Show. From 32 Veteranen all Breeds.
At the 12.12.2015 Amina was on the Winner Show Amsterdam ( NL ). The judge Evert Verschoor ( NL ) give her in the Veteranenclass Exellent 1, Veteranen-BOB. So Amina are Netherland-Veteranen-Champion. Also Amina goes in the Mainring.
After a long time to go Androsch startet at the CAC Show ( 04.17.2016 ) in Eitorf. The judge Georg Walther ( D ) give him in the Veteranenclass Place 1, Vet-CAC, Vet-CAC-VDH.
Androsch was at the Internationale Show in Dortmund ( 05.06.2016 ). The judge Angelika Kammerscheid-Lammers ( D ) give him in the Veteranenclass Place 3.
Also Androsch and Fayan startet Coupleclass.
Androsch startet also at the Europasieger Show ( 05.08.2016 ). The judge Angelika Rubens ( D ) give him in the Veteranenclass, Place 1, VDH-Vet-CAC, Vet-CAC, Europa-Veteranen-Winner.
Androsch and Fayana startet also at this day Coupleclass and she come under the 5 Best Couples.