Samu was born at the 04.14.2015 in Finnland ( Numminen ) with 4brother and sister.
In the future he bring new blood in my linie.
At the 06.11.2016 we become the HD and ED test. Samu at the 06.14.2016 for breed.
Samu with 6 years
3 from Samu`s sister are x-ray.
Eisblume ( Eis ) HD-A, ED 0/0, Eisprinzessin ( Isabella ) HD-A, ED 0/0, PL 0/0, PRA free,
Eisprinz ( Sepe ) HD-B, ED 0/0, Pl 0/0, PRA free
The owner are Angelika Rubens and Rolf Schneider.
PHPT negativ by descent
Caracter Test 04.17.2016
DNA testet ( Geno Canin and ISAAG 2006 )
ED 0/0 and HD A-2
VDH-Frühjahres-Youth-Champion 2016
Youth-Champion - Club
German-Winner-Leipzig 2016
Benelux-Winner ( Luxembourg ) 2016
VDH- Herbstsieger 2016
Holland Cup Winner 2016
Brabo-Winner 2017 ( Belgium )
VDH-Frühjahressieger 2017
Annual Trophy Winner 2017
Rheinland-Pfalz-Winner 2017
VDH-Bundessieger 2017
Niederländischer Champion
VDH-Frühjahressieger 2018
Champion Gießen 2018
Belgium Champion
VDH-Bundessieger 2018
Vereinssieger 2018
VDH-Frühjahressieger 2019
VDH-Herbstsieger 2019
German Winner 2021
2 x Best Puppy
2 x Best Youth Male
2 x Youth BOB
17 x Res. Best Male
31 x Best Male
14 x BOS
21 x BOB
1 x under the 6 Best Puppy`s at Show ( 66 Puppy`s )
2 x Best Spitz from the Show
2 x Place 2 Best Spitz at Show
Many times under the 6 Best dogs in Group 5.
Many Crufts Qualification
German Dog of the Year 2018 under the 16 Best Breeds in Germany
Top-List at the Verein für Deutsche Spitze e.V.
all Keeshonde at the Show
Place | Year | Keeshonde |
6 | 2016 | 165 |
16 | 2017 | 190 |
15 | 2018 | 149 |
14 | 2019 | 177 |
5 | 2020-2021 | 122 |
Mother Bärchen Wunschkind ( Esmeralda ) with her puppy`s. 04.14.2015.
Samu with 8 weeks
Samu ( right ) with his Mother Bärchen Wunschkind ( Esmeralda left ) at the 09.07.2015
At the 09.24.2015 the time was perfect. Samu come to us and he live with Ayani, Ceelah and me in Nümbrecht.
So Samu look his new home, and Ayani and Ceelah help him.
All is well and he can very good sleep.
Samu visit his new family, Amina, Daika-Damira and Amina
playing with Amina and Alina
make so tired.
Video: Samu play with Alina, 1
Video: Samu play with Alina, 2
At the 10.04.2015 we have a family day. Oliver, Stefanie with her children, Rebecca ( 5 years ), Sebastian ( 9 years ) and Alexander ( 12 years ) come to us. Sebastian and Samu are best friend.
Sebastian and Samu
Samu visit with us Freja at her home and he found her girlfriends so nice.
Samu loves his Ayani and he play with the big bone, a gift from Freja.
At the 11.01.2015 Fleur visit us with her family to lokk Samu in live. Samu loves her soooo.
At the 12.05.2015 Samu was on the Christmasmarkt in Ruppichteroth. Samu and I sit on the Santa cher.
Samu was on his first Show.
Samu was at the 12.11.2015 at the Holland Cup Amsterdam ( NL ). The judge Karen Gilliland ( IE ) give him in the Puppyclass Very Promising 1, Best Puppy.
Samu goes in the Mainring and come under the 6 Best Puppy`s at Show from 62 Puppy`s all Breed`s.
At the 12.12.2015 Samu goes at the Winner Amsterdam ( NL ).
The judge Evert Verschoor ( NL ) give him in the Puppyclass Very Promising 1, Best Puppy and Samu goes in the Mainring.
Samu`s mother Bärchen Wunschkind " Esmeralda " at Christmas 2015
Samu relaxed at the new year 2015-2016
Samu`s first snow in January 2016
Video: Samu play with Alina and Daika-Damira in the snow ( 01.18.2016 )
Samu with 9 months and Amina
Samu play Carneval in the Kennel " vom Brüchl "
Samu with 11 months
Samu was at the CACIb Show in Luxemburg ( 03.27.2016 ) The judge Jean-Francois Vanaken ( B ) give him in the Youthclass Exellent 1, Luxemburgischer-Youth-Champion, Crufts Qualification 2017.
Samu and Fidou in the Ring for the Best Male and Samu in the Mainring Youth Male Group 5.
Video: Samu and Fidou goes for the Best Male in Luxembourg
Today ( 04.14.2016 ) Samu are 1 year old and Stephanie write him a poem.
Samu was at his first Show in Germany. He startet Youthclass and the judge Georg Walther ( D ) give him Exellent 1, Jgd-CAC, Jgd-CAC-VDH, Youth-BOB, BOB,( 34 Keeshonde ) and Best Spitz from the Show
( 85 all Spitzbreeds )
Samu has fun with his trophy.
All trophys that Samu win at this show.
Samu was the second time in Germany on the Show ( Lingen, 04.23.2016 ). The judge Henning Schenk ( D ) give him in the Youthclass Exellent 1, Jgd-CAC-VDH, Jgd-CAC. So Samu must have one Show for the two German Youth-Champion.
Samu was at the Internationale Show in Dortmund ( 05.06.2016 ). The judge Angelika Kammerscheid-Lammers ( D ) give him in the Youthclass Exellent 1, Jgd-CAC-VDH, Jgd-CAC, VDH-Frühjahres-Youth-Champion, Youth-BOB. On this day Samu are with 3 Shows VDH-Youth-Champion and Club-Youth-Champion.
Samu and Alina goes the first time Coupleclass. They was 23 Couples and she was under the Best 5 Coupels.
After that day Samu slept on the sucking vacuum cleaner with chin Massage.
Samu is so like in Lumberyard and guarding the garden equipment.
This great photo we become in June from Christina ( Sweden ). Left Samu`s grandfather Windrift`s Line Dancer, middle Samu`s father Arctic Kees Dancing with the Stars and right Samu`s sister Bärchen Eisblume. All dogs live in Sweden.
Samu with 15 months June 2016
Left Ayani, right Samu at July 2016
Samu visit also Fidou at the 07.16.2016 and he play.
Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5, Video 6,
Samu was at the CACIB Show at the 08.06.2016 in Ludwigshafen. The judge Ingrid de Lasberg ( D ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, So Samu has his first award of the big Championtitle. Also he startet the first time Coupleclass with Daika-Damira. She make not a place but she make it very well.
Video: Sam Res.-Male at the Show in Ludwigshafen
Samu startet at the CACIB Show Leipzig ( 08.20.2016 ). The judge Lothar Mende ( D ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, The Champion Male have this Championtitle so Samu become this Award`s. On the right photo you can see the perfect movment from Samu.
Also Samu startet at the German-Winner-Leipzig 2016. The judge henning Schenk ( D ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, German-Winner-Leipzig 2016, BOS. With this Championtitle and 1 Champion Award ( he has 4 ) startet Samu in the Championclass with 16 months.
Samu startet at the CAC Oberhausen ( 08.28.2016 ) in the Intermedianclass. The judge Rudi Hartmann give him Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, BOB.
And also Samu win Place 2 Best Spitz at the Show and with the first trophy`s.
Samu was also at the CACIB Show Gießen at the 09.04.2016. The judge Henning Schenk ( D ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, BOS.
Samu was at the CACIB Show in Luxembourg ( 09.10.2016 ). The judge Jeane Lawless ( IRL ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, CACL, CACIB, Best Male, BOB.
Also Samu startet with Daika-Damira Coupleclass and make Place 3.
Samu was at the CACIB Show in Masstrich ( 09.24.2016 ). The judge Jean-Francois Vanaken ( B ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB.
The BOB photo from Samu.
Also Samu was the second day at the CACIB Show in Maastrich. The judge K.S.Wilberg ( GB ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1.
Samu was at the Bundessieger Show Dortmund ( 10.14.2016 ). The judge Gabriele Gamalski ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2, Res.-VDH-CAC. Samu are 18 months today.
Samu was at the Internationale Show Dortmund ( 10.15.2016 ). The judge Guido Schäfer ( D ) give her in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, VDH-Herbstsieger 2016, BOB. Photo right: Samu in the Mainring Group 5
This photo from Samu amd me we become for the VDH-Herbst-Winner 2016. Thank you....
The owners (Christina and
Ronny from Sweden, Benito`s Kennel) of Samu's father (Dancer)
and sister (Eis) invited us to an
exhibition weekend in Denmark, so we drove to Herning from
11.03.2016 - 11.07.2016.
On 11.05.2016
was the Dansk Winner 2016
Samu got an
Excellent 1 without
Champion Quality
(CK) in the Intermediate
class by the judge Nils Molin (S). Unfortunately
one needs to go further to a CK.
we have been looking forward to Dancer,Eis,
Christina and Ronny and have wonderful days.
Dancer ( Samu`s father )
Eisblume (Eis) and in the box with father dancer. Eis was unfortunately completely coat and got a Very Good 2
Dancer got an Excellent 2, CK on Saturday and Sunday and became Sunday 2. Best Male.
On 11.06 2016 at the Nordisk Winner 2016 Samu ran again Intermediate class and the judge Peter Harsanyl (H) gave him Excellent 1, CK. Since in Scandinavia the entitlements are passed on, if a dog has this title and now this was known by the Best 4 Males, the other CK males had to jump again into the ring. Fortunately, Christina jumped in and ran with Samu. Samu got the CAC and is when he has a German National Title in 2017 also Danish Champion. Our joy was and is, of course, tremendous. Thanks again Christina you jumped.
Samu was at the CACIB Show in Karlsruhe ( 12.11.2016 ). The judge Rudi Hartmann ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB.
Samu startet at the Holland Cup Amsterdam ( NL ) at the 12.09.2016. The judge Maria Ceccarelli ( IT ) give him at the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB. On the second photo Samu and Debby stand in the BOB group.
Samu was also at the Winner Amsterdam ( NL, 12.11.2016 ). The judge Nadjia Timmermans-Kadenko ( NL ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, Res.-CAC, CACIB, 2te Best Male.
Samu was the first time at the CACIB Show in Weelde ( Belgium ) at the 02.26.2017.
The judge John Muldoon ( IRE ) give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB.
So Samu has the first qualification for the Belgium Champion.
Samu at the Intermedianclass and for the Best Male
And at the BOB Group and after that with the judge.
This great photos are from Karl Donvil. He make it at the CACIB Show in Weelde ( Belgium ).
Samu was at the CACIB Show in Luxembourg. Ceelah wait of her puppy`s, so Samu`s breeder ( Silja Beierschoder ) show him. Thank you Silja for your very good job.
The judge Ramune Kazlauskaite ( Lit )give him in the Intermedianclass Exellent 1, CACL, CACIB, Best Male, BOB. So Samu has his first Championtitle, Luxembourg-Champion.
Samu was at the 04.30.2017 at the Internationale Show in Antwerpen ( B ). The judge Brain Carroll ( IRE ) give him in the Openclass Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, Brabo-Winner 2017, BOS.
Samu was at the Europasieger Show in Dortmund ( 05.20.2017 ). The judge Henning Schenk ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Best Male.
At the next day ( 05.21.2017 ) is was the Internationale Show Dortmund. The judge Hans-Erhard Grüttner ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, VDH-Frühjahressieger 2017, Best Male, BOS.
Samu was at the Internationale Show Hannover, 06.10.2017. The judge Lothar Mende give him in the Championclass, Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Best Male.
Samu was also at the Annual Throphy Show, Hannover 06.11.2017. The judge Otakar Vondrous ( CZ ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, Annaul Trophy Winner 2017, BOS. Samu are the first Keeshond Male with this new Title.
Samu was at the CAC Show Karlsdorf ( 07.09.2017 ). The judge Beatrix Märki Casanova ( CH ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2, Res.-VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, 2te Best Male.
Samu was at the 07.29.2017 at the CACIB Show Rotterdam ( NL ). The judge Rita McCarry-Beattie ( IE ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2.
Also Samu startet at the Benelux Winner ( 07.30.2017, Rotterdam ( NL )). The judge Richter Nicholas White ( IE ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2, Res.-CACIB.
Samu was at the CACIB Show Ludwigshafen ( 08.12.2017 ). The judge Rudi Hartmann ( D ) give her in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, Rheinland-Pfalz-Winner 2017. Samu become his last award for the VDH-Champion.
Samu was at the CACIB Show Mechelen ( Belgien ), 08.19.2017. The judge Petr Rehanek ( CZ ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB.
Also Samu was at the 08.20.2017 on the CACIB Show Mechelen ( Belgien. The judge Linda Volàrikovà ( SK ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB. On the right photo Alina and the judge. Alina become all day?s BOS.
At the 09.15.2017 Samu become the Dansk-Champion. We are so happy.
Samu was at the CACIB Show Dortmund ( 10.13.2017 ). The judge Josef Pohling ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Best Male.
Also he startet at the Bundessieger Show, 10.15.2017, in Dortmund. The judge Ursula Meyer ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger ( Crufts Qualification ), Best Male, BOS. So Samu become the last award for the German-Club-Champion and Internationale-Champion.
At the 11.04.2017 Samu startet at the CACIB Show Bleiswijk ( NL ). The judge Kari Graanas Hansen ( NO ) give him Exellent 1, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Best Male.
Also he startet at the 11.05.2017, at the CACIB Bleiswijk ( NL ). The judge Leif Ragnar Hjorth ( NO ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2.
From the 11.07.2017 - 11.11.2017 we startet to the German Winner and World Dog Show 2017 in Leipzig.
At the German Winner ( 11.08.2017 )the judge Angelika Kammerscheid-Lammers ( D ) give him in the Championclass ( 6 Males ) Exellent 3.
At the 11.10.2017 we startet to the World Dog Show.
Samu startet also Championclass ( 14 Males ) and the judge Gerda Kastl give him Exellent.
At the 12.09.2017 Samu startet at the CAC Show Kassel. The judge Gabriela Richard ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOB. At the Coupleclass he make with Ceelah Place 3. You can see the perfect paralle movment from this two dogs.
Also Samu startet at the CACIB Show ( 12.10.2017 )in Kassel. The judge Georg Walther ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC; CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB.
Samu was under the 6 Best Dogs in the Group 5 and in the Coupleclass he make Place 1 with Ceelah.
Samu was at the CACIB Kerstshow Gornichem ( NL 12.17.2017 ). The judge G. Jipping ( NL ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB. So Samu are Netherland-Champion and he has 8 Championtitle in 2017.
Video: Samu and Alina in the BOB group
Samu`s BOB photo and he make with Alina Place 3 in the Coupleclass with the judge H. Hoenderken ( NL ).
Juhu today we become this post.
Samu was at the CAC Show in Lehre ( 04.15.2018 ). The judge Gerda Kastl ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOS.
Samu was at the 04.22.2018 on the Clubmatch from the Belgium Spitz Club. The judge Alessandro Zeppi give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, Res.-CAC, 2. Best Male.
Samu startet at the CACIB Show in Lingen ( 04.29.2018 ). The judge Peter Machetanz ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2, Res.-VSH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2. Best Male.
Samu was at the Internationale Show Dortmund ( 05.11.2018 ). The judge Claus-Peter-Fricke ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Frühjahressieger, Best Male, BOB.
At the Europasieger Show Dortmund ( 05.13.2018 ) Samu startet Championclass. The judge Peter Machetanz ( D ) give him Exellent 2, Res.-VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Best Male.
Samu was at the CAC Show Dorsten ( 07.14.2018 ). The judge Henning Schenk ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Beste Male, BOS.
Samu was at the CACIB Show Gießen ( 08.04.2018 ). The judge Henning Schenk give her in the Champioclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Champion Gießen 2018, Best Male, BOB.
Samu was at the 08.12.2018 on the World Dog Show Amsterdam ( NL ). The judge Vilja Klucniece ( LV )give him in the Championclass Exellent.
Samu was at the 08.26.2018 on the CACIB Show Mecheln ( B ). The judge Jan Coppers ( NL ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Best Male. So Samu are the new Belgium Champion.
Samu war at the Bundessieger Show Dortmund, 11.16.2018. The judge Gerda Kastl ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Bundessieger 2018, Vereinssieger 2018, Best Male, BOS.
Also Samu startet at the Internationale Show Dortmund ( 11.17.2018 ). The judge Guido Schäfer give him in the Championclass Exellent 2, Res.-VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Best Male.
Samu become 2017 the Championtitle VDH-Jahressieger 2017. So he has the qualification for the German Dog of the Year 2018. Samu is the first Keeshond that come second round and he are under the 16 Best Breeds in Germany.
Samu`s ribbon from the German Dog of the Year.
Today the Beligum Champion come.
Sam was at the 12.08.2018 on the Nationale Show Kassel. The judge Ronny Doedjins ( NL ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOS.
Also Samu startet at the CACIB Show in Kassel ( 12.09.2018 ). The judge Nadja Timmermanns-Kadenko ( NL ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Beste Male.
Samu was at the 04.27.2019 ( Vereinssieger-Show ) and 04.28.2019 ( Jubiläums Show ) in Eitorf. The judge Peter Machetanz ( D ) and Gerda Kastl ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 3. Thank you Fiona and Gaby for show Samu.
Samu was at the Europasieger Show in Dortmund ( 05.17.2019 ). The judge Ursula Meyer ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, Res.-CACIB, 2te Best Male.
At the 05.18.2019 Samu was at the Frühjahressieger Show in Dortmund. The judge Eugeny Kuphyauskas ( RUS ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, VDH-Frühjahressieger, BOB.
Samu was also at the CAC Show in Waltrop ( 22.06.2019 ). The judge Rudi Hartmann ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOS.
So I have puppy`s and Samu show with Gaby at the CAC in Karlsdorf ( 06.30.2019 ). The judge Petr Rehanek ( CZ ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2. Res.-VDH-CAC.
At the 07.20.2019 Samu startet at the CAC Show in Dorsten. The judge Lothar Mende ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOB.
So I have also puppy`s and at the CAC Show in Dorsten ( 07.21.2019 ) Stephanie show Samu in the Championclass. The judge Gerda Kastl ( D ) give him Exellent 2, Res.-VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, 2te Best Male.
At the 09.08.2019 Samu was at the Clubmatch in Netherland. The judge Rite Liebrand ( NL ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 2.
Samu was at the Bundessieger Show in Dortmund ( 10.12.2019 ). The judge Gabriele Gamalski ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 3.
At the Herbstsiegr Show Dortmund ( 10.13.2019 ) Samu startet also. The judge Rui Oliveira ( P ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, VDH-Herbstsieger 2019, BOB. Also Samu was shortlist 6 in the Group 5.
Samu startet at the Nationale Show Kassel, 12.07.2019. The judge Ursula Meyer ( D ) give her in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOS
Samu startet at the CACIB Show Kassel, 12.08.2019. The judge Leos Jancik ( CZ ) give her in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC.
Samu`s brother in January 2020, from left to right: Japp, Bertram, Franz
At the 03.07.2020 was startet at the World biggest Dog Show the Crufts in England. You can only starten with the year Qualification or with the Internationale Champion.
Noa and I wait that Samu`s Class will begin.
No words!!!!!! A Team
The english judge give Samu in the Openclass no Place. In England you become no word`s.
The first Video from Samu in the Ring
Samu participated in the online Dog Show in Israel in April 2020. The judge was Sue Bownds ( AUS ). They are 13 dogs entry, but in Israel live not so many.
He become in the Championclass
Class Winner.
His son Ian-Inay are BOB.
That`s probably convenient and his puppy`s sleep the same way.
Samu was at the 09.20.2020 on the CAC Show in Biere ( D ). The judge Lothar Mende ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH_CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOS.
Samu startet at the Corona Online Show Group 5 in November 2020 and he win his Championclass.
Samu and his son Kylo. They are 8 week`s old. ( Right up and left down Samu )
Samu have snow. January 2021
We miss the dog show`s and so we are lucky to startee at the online show.
It was the Valentine`s Day Online Dog Show in Feburary 2021
and Samu startet in a big Class.
And Samu win BOS.
At the 04.14.2021 Kylo say Happy Birthday Papa Samu
We startet at the 05.01.2021 to the Online Dog Show in UK.
Samu make Place 2 by the Male`s
and win the Res.CC. 2. Best Male
Samu and his child.... all looks same
Samu startet at the Online Dog Show 07.27.2021
He become Place 3
Samu in July 2021
In August 2021 Noa from Israel visit us and Noa make wonderfull photos.
Samu love Noa so much and she him also.
Noa makes wonderfull photos.
Samu looks between 2 trees.
So the first orginale Show startet at the German Winner Gelsenkirchen ( 08.22.2021 ).
The judge Stephan Wächter ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Bester Rüde, German Winner 2021, BOS.
All this throphy`s win Ceelah and Samu on this day.
The next two Show`s was the CAC Show in Baden-Baden. ( 09.25.2021 & 09.26.2021 )
At the 09.25.2021 the judge Gabriele Gamalski ( D ) give Samu in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, Res.-CAC, 2te. Best Male.
At the 09.26.2021 the judge Henning Schenk ( D ) give Samu in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOB, Best in Show
Than the best weekend ( 10.01.2021-10.06.2021 )come. The World-Dog-Show 2021 in Brno ( Czech Republic )
The judge Kristina Vanickova ( CZ ) gab Samu in der Championclass Exellent 3.
Samu had cracked his back and was on homeopathic medication and physiotherapy.Fortunately, it was done with one treatment.
Video: Samu and the Physiotherapy
Samu was at the CACIB Show Kassel, 12.04.2021. The judge Regina Blessing ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 3.
Also Samu startet the second day ( 12.05.2021 ) st the CACIB Kassel. The judge Peter Machetanz ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, CACIB, Best Male, BOB. In the Mainring, Group 5 he make Short List 6.
Samu was at the CAC Show in Überherrn-Biesten ( 05.08.2022 ). The judge Henning Schenk ( D ) give him in the Championclass Exellent 1, VDH-CAC, CAC, Best Male, BOB, 2 Best Spitz at Show.